Dazed – « Féros magazine artistico-érotique »

©Courtesy Féros, collage by Amanda Wieczorek

On était passées à côté de ce tout nouveau Magazine, il faut dire que, comme le rappelle si bien Dazed, la folie « porno » sur tous les supports de ces derniers temps nous fatigue un peu. Marre de voir des bites et des seins à tout bout de champ. Féros justement, va à contre-courant, en s’abstenant de donner la parole à tous ces gens qui parlent de sexe sans réfléchir, sans avoir rien d’intéressant à dire, mais en laissant toute sa place à l’artistique.

There’s no shortage of sex-centric self-publishers. With the rise of magazines like ADULTLadybeard and Pornceptual, it feels like our carnal obsessions are everywhere: plastered across countless beautifully designed and provocatively shot pages. For this reason, you’d be forgiven for thinking that we weren’t really in need of an extra addition. How many pairs of tits do you really need to see, anyway? And don’t penises just all look the same after a while?

For new magazine Féros, though, sex takes on another form. The French publication is more concerned with exploring erotica and fetishism through art, illustration and poetry – making it more about how we view the act from a creative perspective. “This is a contemporary art magazine,” stresses Editor-in-Chief Clément Gagliano. “But we also include fetishistic inserts, which people can take home and use privately. They can make up their own mind about the pieces of art depicted inside.”

Gagliano claims that he (and co-creator Florence Andoka) created Féros as a protest. Frustrated by the rise of “vulgar”, “extravagant” and “cliched” conversations surrounding sexuality, the two publishers crafted their own reply – cutting down on dialogue, and letting the art speak for itself. “People talk about everything, including sex, without really thinking about it, and without having anything to say,” Gagliano explains. “The worst thing is that nobody truly cares. You just need to dig a little deeper to realise that what happens in public usually prevents people from being open in private. Because nothing is left to give. When you wear your insides as a jacket, what is left in? Not much, I’d say.”

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